Wednesday, June 25, 2014

McDaniel makes post-runoff statement

Chris McDaniel issued the following press release:

Laurel, MS - Republican candidate for U.S. Senate issued a statement following a closely contested primary runoff election rife with irregularities.

Invoking Ronald Reagan's message of liberty, freedom, and balance budgets, traditional values, and personal responsibility, McDaniel called for scrutiny of the election's irregularities and for a thorough examination of the core principles of the Republican party.

"The conservative movement is alive in Mississippi," McDaniel said. "The Republicans who voted last night made it clear they're looking for conservative change in Mississippi."

"But the results also tell another story," McDaniel continued. "They tell the story of some members of our party who are willing to engage in tactics unbecoming of the party of Ronald Reagan. It's no wonder so many conservatives don't feel welcome in the Republican party," McDaniel said.

"If our party and our conservative movement are to co-exist, it is paramount that we ensure the sanctity of the election process is upheld. And we will do that. In the case of yesterday's election, we must be absolutely certain that our Republican primary was won by Republican voters."

"In the coming days, our team will look into the irregularities to determine whether a challenge is warranted," McDaniel continued. "After we've examined the data, we will make a decision about whether and how to procede," he concluded.


Anonymous said...

Are write-ins legal in November or not?

Anonymous said...

Some people can't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Travis Childers is
-- pro-life
-- pro-guns
-- traditional marriage
-- voted against Obamacare
-- received A+ from NRA
-- against adultery

Anonymous said...

6:29, apparently not. It appears that a losing nominee can only have their name written in if the nominee dies.

§ 23-15-365. Write-in candidates; applicability of section to elections conducted under Sections 23-15-974 through 23-15-985
(1) There shall be left on each ballot one (1) blank space under the title of each office to be voted for, and in the event of the death, resignation, withdrawal or removal of any candidate whose name shall have been printed on the official ballot, the name of the candidate duly substituted in the place of such candidate may be written in such blank space by the voter.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to elections conducted under the Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act.

And in the Case Notes:
Voters may write name of candidate not nominated on the official ballot only in case of the death of a candidate. McKenzie v. Boykin, 111 Miss. 256, 71 So. 382 (1916).

Anonymous said...

Travis Childers also has a 36 rating from the ACU, while Thad Cochran's lifetime rating is 80. Big big difference.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Chris both times, and I'm genuinely sick he lost. That being said - barring any true fraud or other illegal voting activity against Chris - it's time for conservatives to get behind ONE candidate. Am I dismayed it's Cochran? You bet I am! However, let no one forget: at the end of voting day in November, ONE of the candidates will be the other Senator from Mississippi, and God help us if we do to ourselves what we did in both 2006 (wanting to "teach the Republicans in Congress a lesson" by not voting and allowing the House to go to Nancy Pelosi, et al) and 2012 (by not voting because "Mitt wasn't conservative enough" or "Mitt's a Mormon," thereby giving easily the worst president in US history another 4 years)

No, people, we need to get behind ONE Republican candidate, and do away with all this crap about "not voting for Thad" or "running a write-in candidate," whether it be Chris or anyone else. We've done that crap before and we've gotten our asses handed to us when we did it.

Again, I'm not happy AT ALL about another 6 years of Thad, but if he's found to have won the contest, we need to get behind him, quit talking this crazy crap about fielding a write-in candidate, and make sure the sure-to-flood-in money doesn't accidentally elect a totally inept Travis Childers. The bottom line is: it doesn't matter WHICH Republicans are in Washington, if they have no power to do anything (like now), and unless we take back the Senate, we're stuck with the same lame side of the aisle we now "enjoy."

I'm not suggesting that Chris roll over and not investigate this runoff thoroughly. He should, by all means, do that. I'm just saying that, if there is nothing that can be done about the present results, Republicans need to get over the sting of what's happened and look toward WINNING.......taking back the Senate is the ultimate goal, albeit with a less than hoped for Senator.

Anonymous said...

Travis Childers will vote for Harry Reid as head of the senate and is subject to tow the party line.

Anonymous said...

We just witnessed a SAD DAY IN MISSISSIPPI HISTORY yesterday. THE BEGINNING OF THE CRUMBLING OF THE MISSISSIPPI REPUBLICAN PARTY. IT WILL NEVER BE A UNIFIED PARTY AGAIN. With the underhanded sleezy tactics of Cochran paying for the influence of talking Democrats into crossing over and casting their vote for Cochran in a REPUBLICAN PRIMARY (knowing good and well that these same Democrats will be voting against Cochran in the General Election)is unforgivable. It will now be impossible to bring the McDaniel supporters under the Republican Banner as ONE PARTY to beat the Democrats this fall. All of my friends are so livid about this TRICKERY that they have stated that they WILL NOT VOTE FOR COCHRAN IN THE PRIMARY. Some said they are fed up and will vote Democrate.WE ALL WANT MCDANIEL TO RUN AS AN INDEPENDENT AND WE WILL BACK HIM. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING THE HIGH ROAD CHRIS.

Anonymous said...

IANAL but of course a write in vote is legal = not illegal.

Will that write in vote for McDaniel in November count? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Travis Childers is
-- pro-life
-- pro-guns
Keep Hope A LIE – Vote Democrat !

Anonymous said...

If I was a Democrat, I would definately vote in a Republican primary because I know a Democratic doesn't have a chance in hell of winning a Senate seat in Mississippi. I might as well have some skin in the game. Just like when I voted for Tony Yarber (D) for Mayor of Jackson.
Cross over voting happens all the time and it's LEGAL.

Anonymous said...

Childers can beat Cochran. Proof in comments above.

Anonymous said...

6:46PM A week ago I would have agreed with your post but after the way Thad bought the election by sending cash to the Demoncrat preachers to get them to have their Demoncrat congregations to vote in the Republican runoff.I just don't believe there will be any difference in voting for him or voting for Childers. As far as I am concerned they are both Demoncrats, so to quote Hillary, "At this point. what difference does it make?"
Having said that, I will have to vote for Thad and hope that we can get a Republican (even if in name only) majority and get rid of Harry Reid. I will do it but I will have to hold my nose.

Anonymous said...

To all -- I remember a group of people who told Thad Cochran to CONCEDE on June 3rd when the percentages were 49.4%/49%. Didn't matter there was a LEGAL RUNOFF which had to take place. Thad was supposed to concede because the TP told him too.........he didn't. He won.

Now Chris is out on Fox News Hannity's radio show, asking for money and whining. Probably he'll be on the television show tonight.

How embarrassing. This is the most narcissistic, self-centered, arrogant person I have ever seen in my life. "I DIDN'T WIN SO I'M GOING TO DESTROY EVERYTHING".

He is the worst loser! I believe strongly, that the National TP, and all the groups pulled the plug on him the morning after (and now he's having to do the walk of shame, and wants to justify his affairs with all of them). He's floundering without his daily fix of "YOU ARE SO SMART, GREAT, IMPORTANT, etc. etc. etc. "

Did anyone ever hear of REAGAN DEMOCRATS??? They drove the man into the Presidency. I didn't hear anyone complaining when they crossed over and propelled him into the Presidency.

Little secret Chris -- you would have looked much more like a leader, if you hadn't acted like a child.

I'm hoping his 15 minutes of fame is over in 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

He can't run as an independent. The deadline has already passed.

From SOS site:


Qualifying Deadline, 5:00 p.m.: Party Primary and Independent Candidates for U.S. Senate and
U.S. House of Representatives (MS Code Ann. § § 23-15-299, 23-15-359(3))

Anonymous said...

If McDaniel could have gotten Dems to support him and give hime the win, he would have done it too. He couldn't and now he is complaining.

It is funny he is going on Hannity to complain because didn't Hannity and Rush in 2008 encourage Republicans to vote in Dem primaries for Hillary? I guess it was okay then but not now.

Anonymous said...

I think given the dirty methods they used, McDaniel should thoroughly investigate whether or not Democrats that were not legally able to vote due to having voted democratic in the primary voted I the runoff. If people voted illegally, the law says those votes don't count. If they discover enough fraudulent votes to make a difference, by all means, contest it. If into true fraud is discovered, bow out and move on.

Jim Rice said...

What is unsaid here is that, as a member of the Mississippi Senate, McDaniel was the only principal in the race in a position to have changed the primary election laws in our state. That is, he would have been had not commemorative car tags been just out of reach to him. Losers concede and support their party's nominee. It's no skin off my nose as I am a Democrat (who did not vote in the run-off.)

Anonymous said...

POINT IS,..CHRIS WAS ONLY A TOKEN OF NO MORE THAD,..NO MORE HALEY APPOINTMENT"S.,...OKAU,..WE LOST, just for now, it's not over. Please have the maturity and intelligence to know that everything works out in time. I'm embarrassed at the people saying they will vote for Obama,,(.Childress), same thing, you know he i going to have to be a REID guy,..He has NO power either and is trying to swim in a shark tank. Nose don't spite face please,...We Eat One bite at a time,...Not the whole meal, patient and dessert will come later.

Anonymous said...

He's just proving he's not much of a lawyer either.

Anonymous said...

How embarrassing.

You are anonymous. We can't be embarrassed by your sorry self.

Anonymous said...

I just continue to be amazed at how little TP rank and file members know about how government and how a free election process should work.

We have open primaries.

If we didn't in the years Democrats controlled the State, Republicans couldn't have voted with any expectation of their vote counting.

Then there are those of us who vote for the person not the party. We look for competence and would not vote for a yellow dog running on a party ticket.

The very notion of making someone declare loyalty to a political party is abhorrent or should be to anyone who values individual freedom!

You keep suggesting votes were bought. Prove it. Where's you evidence? Asking for support is legitimate. There have always been crossover votes , particularly in a state where people personally know many of the candidates.

It's ironic that those who claim they are against public education because it's not in the Constitution now are suggesting one has to be a party loyalists when political parties aren't in the Constitution????

This really is theatre of the absurd!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but what happened to Melanie?

Anonymous said...

It is not about Cochran or McDaniel anymore. It is not even about Democrats crossing over.

It is about a Republican machine who decided they did not like who REPUBLICANS were going to elect. So the machine sought to defeat the will of their own voters. They courted Democrats to defeat the will of REPUBLICANS in a REPUBLICAN primary.

Screw that. I will not support that no matter the cost.

I'm voting Childers in November. And I might vote against Harper for participating in this assault to our republic.

Anonymous said...

Last night's speech and now the Hannity whine fest. Are his supporters going to let McDaniel completely flame out.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party can decide if it wants to be a big tent party, or a very narrow very ideological party that is resigned to live in the margins of governance.

The reality is that black Mississippians and others were willing to vote for a Republican, not because they agreed with 100% of what he believed, but because they thought that in whole they were better off for his representation.

In another time this would have been viewed as a great opportunity for Republicans. Black Mississippians own businesses, work for big companies, or want to start their own businesses and employ people. Black Mississippians want their children to have better lives than they have had, attain higher goals than they have, and hopefully start their own businesses and employ more people. Our historic divisions can be overcome, and as a result the class of people who run companies, make payrolls, and make our economy go will grow in turn. These people will want representative government that is pro business, pro freedom, and pro capitalism.

Instead, what I see is a bunch of peckerwoods who are intimidated by people who don't look like them, and take solace in McDaniels nostalgic regressive world view.

Cochran is an imperfect candidate. His time has past. The fact of the matter is that McDaniel is even less appropriate.

The Republican Party will flourish when it purges itself of Neanderthals like MCDaniel, and embraces a new face that isn't stuck in Old South mythology or Jim Crow nostalgia. What has been shown in this election is that black Mississippians are able and willing to bend idealogically if someone offers them the prospect of a better future.

Anonymous said...

McDaniel is showing everyone that the right man was selected.He is a little jerk at heart..

Anonymous said...

Why? Because he might screw up his chances to get invited back into the MSGOP elite club?

Get real with your hypo BS. You aren't remotely convincing.

Anonymous said...

Operation Chaos 2014 edition is working like a charm! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

McDaniel has about a 24 hour window left to have any future in Mississippi statewide politics. 185,000 votes won't get you elected to anything.

Anonymous said...

Great 8:34. What you idiots don't seem to get is you are NOT the Republican Party, you are the phucking NAZIs that hijacked the party of Reagan. Hearing your man talk about Reagan makes me sick. Reagan wouldnt get the nomination with you bunch of Nazis. He was much too liberal for you right wing nuts. Vote for who you want to. We don't care. Our man will win in November and you will be on the sideline crying.

Anonymous said...

I have always said I was a conservative not a Republican. However, ever ballot I have ever cast has been for a Republican. I am not a member of the Tea Party. I deeply resent the tactics used in the election yesterday - Chris McDaniel won the Republican and conservative vote. This November will be the first time I will not vote. In addition, I will never vote for any elected official that did not condemn yesterday's election. Since the Republican leadership of this state is so disrespectful of REAL conservatives and most Republicans, Chris McDaniel should run for Governor next year as an independent. He would have enough votes to split the Republicans and Democrats.

Anonymous said...

The establishment cronies(the Barbers, Lott, Rove et al would have supported Childers in November just to teach the rabble a lesson...then funded their own candidate when Yoda Thad retired. If it's true that they are responsible for the race-baiting pamphlets about the Tea Party then there is zero integrity in the GOP. This is why people don't vote...they can't beat the puppeteers.

Anonymous said...

Watson & Yancey please talk to your candidate.

Anonymous said...

8:49 right on.

Anonymous said...

To all -- Chris McDaniel is now going to be on Hannity tomorrow night. This man is horrific!!!

Thanks McDaniel and all of you TP People for dragging us into this, first with your inappropriate actions (nursing homes, courthouse incidents, etc.) and now with being sore losers.

This is the most self-centered man and group I have ever seen. We didn't get what we wanted, and we will continue until we force people to do what we want.

Talk about racist -- could it be, that POSSIBLY we have black people in the state of Mississippi who voted their self-interest? I voted for Yarber, a black Democrat, in the Jackson mayoral race and I'm a white Republican. OH MY -- does that mean my vote doesn't count, since I was voting my self-interest and not along party lines????? I mean, I AM WHITE and that automatically makes me I guess I should have "KNOWN MY PLACE" and not voted, even though I pay taxes and live in the city.

Better make Chris shut up and sit down. You all are beginning to look really ignorant.

Anonymous said...

McDaniel has about a 24 hour window left to have any future in Mississippi statewide politics.

According you you?

Anonymous said...

I'm a crybaby Teapartier. Here's why I'm so pissy: The Democrats can't vote Republican. Everyone knows that we MUST vote according to strict party lines.

Therefore, I, a Republican, will vote for the Democratic candidate in the Senate race . . . Just because I have a grudge. That's because I believe the rules apply to everyone but me. NO, I do not live in a fantasy world. Go McDaniel!

And now, I'm gonna sit here and wonder why no one takes my brand of conservatism seriously enough for you to win office! HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Listened to the Hannity interview of McDaniel. I did not realize McDaniel was the poster child or the epitomy of a model Republican. What I did realize from listening to the interview is that there was a reinforcement of his campaign vitriol refusing to compromise which he interprets as surrender. He said he felt betrayed by the Republican Party. Republicans are like Americans, we are different ages, different sexes, different races, and can and will have a variety of different philosophies as Republicans. I can assure you there are a lot of conservative Republicans who likewise felt betrayed by McDaniel and his campaign. McDaniel accused the Cochran campaign of negative campaign ads against him during the past three weeks, but his campaign was just as guilty of negative ads.

If McDaniel is a true Republican, he should try to reunite the Republican factions instead of trying to polarize the party.

Anonymous said...

So is the goal to only let white people vote in the Republican primary? After hearing that lunatic rant I am proud to let McDaniel slip into the past and be forgotten. I don't think that he will be a political power outside of Jones county again.

I think that it speaks well of Thad that people outside his party were willing to support him.

Chris forgets that Regan was elected by crossover democrat voters.

Anonymous said...

What 9:03 said. Watson, Lee, I know that you are reading this. If nothing else, he owes it to you to concede. You both will be covered in the stink that he raises and it will not be good for the state or you.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:37 you hit the nail on the head. Amen brother or sister. Whatever you run for in the future, I'll all in. It can't be said any clearer than that. Shoot me an email to discuss privately if you like. Hope you run for something soon.

Anonymous said...


The word you are looking for is fucking with an "f". Putting a cute little "ph" in front of it doesn't change the meaning; it only makes you look like a sissy.

I am not a tea party conservative, and at this point I am no longer Republican. I voted for the only guy not named Cochran on the ballot and I did it while holding my nose. Guess what? I get to do it again in November when I vote for Childers.

What the rest of you Cochran folks fail to realize is that if by some miracle Childers wins, what do you think he will do to hold on to his office? I bet he will do whatever is necessary to not piss off the folks that put him there because he is well aware that only a perfect storm will bring him back to Washington...and that's exactly what is happening right now. No way will Childers turn into some raving liberal. He's too smart to go one and done in the Senate.

Personally, I'd rather vote for the Democrat and know what I'm getting than vote for Cochran and be left wondering who's getting call up to the big leagues when he's ready to retire.

Anonymous said...

9:29. Who is Regan? Young stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

Chris McDaniel is a narcissistic little man. I was appalled at his speech last night - the negative angry attitude - like a spoiled child that did not get his way. Republican or Democrat, the majority of MS voters did not feel as if Mr. McDaniel could best represent their interests. Have I always agreed with Senator Cochran - no... Do I respect him for his always being a gentleman, a man who is capable of compromise in the face of doing so or having nothing for the people he represents and a man who I could never imagine speaking out in such an inappropriate manner if he lost an election ? Yes, I respect him. I cannot say that many politicians go to Washington with the best interests of the people they represent at heart, but Mr. Cochran appears to be one of those people. Mr. McDaniel on the other hand appears more than ready to help himself - fame and fortune and receiving money for appearing on television... another Palin in the making ? Oh, that 's right, she did not even finish her time in office - all her values were sacrificed for high paying speaking and television gigs...

Anonymous said...

I think the Big Leagues have tagged Greg Harper to replace Cochran...

Anonymous said...

9:50 - why would you think that? He went "one and done" in his Congressional Representative position.

Do you know your history?

Anonymous said...

If the whining crybaby is going to keep talking like Ronald Reagan he should avoid acting like Al Gore.

Those of us old enough to remember realize Reagan conceded his loss to Jerry Ford in the 1976 primary then won it all in 1980. Of course, that takes more patience than the typical two-year-old has, which is what is one of McDaniel's many unpleasant traits.

Anonymous said...

9:21 pm I hope you don't actually believe what you just wrote.

No one, thank God, has to pledge allegiance to a party. We don't have to carry party cards like the communists to prove we are loyal.

In any single election, we can pick which party's primary we wish to vote. We just can't vote in one party's primary and another party's runoff in that same primary.

A party asking those who didn't vote in the primary to vote for them in the runoff isn't illegal or unethical.

Whoever wins is SUPPOSED to represent all the people in his or her district, not just those who voted for him as well.

It is unbelievable that you could have lived in this Nation long enough to be eligible to vote and not know what you describe is absolutely contrary to any notion of individual freedom.

Such an extreme notion of party loyalty is the stuff of communists, fascists and dictators!

Anonymous said...

I think McDaniel enjoys the limelight too much to give it up this easily. Going on Hannity, Levin, Beck and others. His Tea Party deep pockets are gone, so he is shilling on Hannity to milk this for as long as he can.

Anonymous said...

10:26 -- I knew Ronald Reagan -- he was a friend of mine -- Mr. McDaniel - you're no Ronald Reagan!!!

Anonymous said...

McDaniel accusing Thad of dirty politics? After all the lies and stupid mail-outs from him and his supporters that we all received! What a jerk. He would have set Mississippi back and been a laughing stock on the National scene.

Anonymous said...

A charismatic two term State Senator who had accomplished very little, but has great oratory skills!

Remind you of someone else?
Has a following of fanaticalls!

Jim Jones comes to mind!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, you lost. Kind of like when Auburn beat Bama or Ole Miss beat Les Miles in the last seconds of a game. You lost and no matter how much grass you chew on like Les lost. Unlike Les or Saban know they don't. Did you think the nursing home pics, or the Hinds County episode antics, or the scary security dorks or the pissed off black folks of Mississippi clearly demonstrated that you are not qualified. Please stay home and enjoy being a Jomes County douchebag and leave the rest of the state alone.

Anonymous said...

It is not about Cochran or McDaniel anymore. It is not even about Democrats crossing over.

It is about a Republican machine who decided they did not like who REPUBLICANS were going to elect. So the machine sought to defeat the will of their own voters. They courted Democrats to defeat the will of REPUBLICANS in a REPUBLICAN primary.

Screw that. I will not support that no matter the cost.

I'm voting Childers in November. And I might vote against Harper for participating in this assault to our republic."
June 25, 2014 at 8:34 PM

Couldn't have said it better. After Childers is elected, we have a chance to place who we want to in office in 6 more years.

I will vote against all establishment Republicans who supported Thad and failed to condemn calling us "racists"!

You reap what you sow and the MS GOP will be reaping soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else notice McDaniel pretty much reading his speech after the election? C'mon man. You campaigned for six months, talking to strangers all over the state and you need notes to show how disgusted you were at the results?

Let's see, uh, what do I need to mention: yeah Reagan; uh irregularities, crossover democrats, blah blah blah.

How about justing speaking from the heart and quit acting like you're still on the stump. It would bode you well for any future possible runs for office.

Anonymous said...

I guess Chris never heard of "Reagan Democrats." There would have been no President Reagan without them.

Anonymous said...

"Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican". I wonder if McDaniel knows who followed that creed? Wonder if he knows what a Reagan Democrat is?

He attacks black voters saying they had no right to vote for a candidate. And the TP wonders why it has a reputation for being racist.

He talks about special interest running the election but his whole campaign sounds like beck/Levin/hannity talking points. When did he explain to the people of Mississippi what he planned to do for the State? He appears to be a mouth piece for the talk show gang.

Grow up Chris and show some class.

Anonymous said...

You stubborn old bastards are just pissed off that the conservatives in this State are leaving you. The methods and candidates produced by you old farts have failed time and again. So much so, that the majority of conservatives in this state completely ignore our aging establishment republicans and their aging supporters. If the law was followed (no voting republican after voting democrat in the primary) McDaniel would have won. Even if he is unable to prove that your senile old candidate broke the law, THE MAJORITY OF CONSERVATIVES voted with McDaniel. You're time is over. And it obviously scares the hell out of you old men.

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2014 @ 6:29PM “SORE LOSER,” The sore loser is going to be Haley Barbour (and Thad Cochran) in November when REAL conservatives--including me--stay home on election day and let a Democrat become Mississippi’s senator. For the last 40 years the GOPe have banked on conservatives’ loyalty in voting for whomever candidate THEY choose. NOT ANYMORE. This runoff was the LAST STRAW for me—using dirty politics to win at all costs was right out of the Democrats’ playbook and everything I abhor. The problem the GOPe has now is the cat is out of the bag and EVERYONE now knows there is NO IDEALOGICAL DIFFERENCE between the GOPe and Democrats. Cochran and Childers will both vote for AMNESTY and open borders that will replace the United States of America with the North American Union. (MEXICO is one of Haley’s clients and is pro-AMNESTY.) It doesn’t make ONE BIT OF DIFFERENCE who is our senator because neither will represent the majority of the people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Really McDaniel and his supporters are mad because maybe BLACK(see liberal word usage) democrats beat him. Its purely a race thing.

Pugnacious said...

In our winner-take-all election,over forty-nine percent of the population of Mississippi is now without representation. Cochran's Guns-n-Butter victory speech" signals a back to a Lyndon Johnson-like Viet Nam-era fiscal policy. Doesn't anyone remember that light at the end of the tunnel...the oncoming freight train? This time it'll be a Sino-Russian one at he throttle. Does anyone really want to see 155th boots on the ground in Asia or Central Africa?

Anonymous said...

I hate MS being embarrassed again on national TV.

The good news is that more than a few with Tea Party leanings are educated enough to be shocked that Hannity is giving McDaniel a platform and no longer like Hannity.

Lots of emails this am from my out of state GOP friends.

Please McDaniel supporters, stop saying this nonsense. You are making us all look ignorant!

Anonymous said...

Earlier in this comment thread, someone at 6:46 p.m., June 25 posted a statement that began "I voted for Chris both times" then went on to argue that conservatives now need to rally behind the winner of the Republican primary. As a guy who voted for Cochran both times, I want to thank 6:46 for that comment. I agonized over my vote and what I thought was best for conservatism in Mississippi, and part of what drove me to Cochran was the "my way or the highway" approach that I've seen coming from both the Tea Party and libertarians nationally. 6:46, your comments make me more likely to listen to McDaniel-style ideas in future and demonstrate a welcome statesmanlike attitude that I don't see coming from many in both the McDaniel and Cochran camps. I don't think that most Cochran voters were liberal Democrats (as they've been described), and I don't think that most McDaniel voters were "nutjobs" (as they've been described). We are all (or at least the majority of us) on the same side and committed to having a more conservative nation and state. Let's all stick together.

Anonymous said...

Fact: McDaniel lost because a bunch of democrats voted in a republican primary to help a demented old man that looks like a fool run against their boy in the general election. Fuck all of you.

Anonymous said...


Bush Jr. will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in American history. not Obama. He'll probably land in the middle to lower third. hate to say it but objective history analysis will probably rank Clinton in the top 10-15. flame away if you like, but 30 years from now that's how it will be remembered by the world.

Anonymous said...

McDaniel should go on and resign from the State Senate! Can't you just see McDaniel come January having to walk into the Chamber every day and know that 43 of your fellow Senators voted for Cochran. And to make matters worse, the President of the Senate worked hark for your opponent! McDaniel - you and your fellow eight Senators who supported you better look out for next year - every one of you will have opposition and hopefully get your asses BEAT!

Anonymous said...

Rand Paul on Mississippi

Anonymous said...

You are making us all look ignorant!

You don't need help with that. You've got it handled all on your own.

Anonymous said...

Travis Childers is more conservative than Thad Cochran.

Anonymous said...

Democrats = Moderate Liberals, Blue-Dogs, Old time family Democrats

Republicans = Blue Dogs, Old time family Democrats, Conservatives

Democrats = Fascists, Far Left Liberals, Communist, Social, Marxists.

Republicans = Liberals, Old time family Democrats, Old Blue Dog Democrats.

Point being...everything has shifted left. True conservatives are in the minority.

Anonymous said...

I am as disgusted as anybody could be at the way the Republican establishment stole this election. I think that it is an absolute shame and a disgrace that we have such a sleazy bunch of politicians running our state but, we need to look beyond Mississippi politics to see the big picture. If we help to elect Childers by voting democrat, not voting or writing in Chris (which will NOT be counted and is the same as not voting), we would lose a Republican seat in the Senate. Losing a seat will help keep Harry Reid in power and that will only serve to further harm our country. As distasteful as it will be, hold your nose and vote for Thad. Voting otherwise will do nothing but keep the Obama democrats in power.

Anonymous said...

Tea Party
Instead of threats and trying to hijack the GOP and Reagan's memory, if you have conviction and believe you can defend your points of view, run on your own ticket! Be a party instead of a bunch of wannabes!
Have some guts!
You are having a hard time finding your charismatic leader, aren't you? Sarah was in a long list of pretty but dumb, Ted wears too much make-up and Chris like the Perry and others can't stay on message and has hoof in mouth disease. Then you have your crazy supporters who make headlines.
You may take yourselves seriously and those of us old enough to remember pre-WWII Germany take you seriously as well. To everyone else, you are a joke!

Anonymous said...

7:26 --- and now in a 2 line posting, you encapsulate all the issues we had with the McDaniel/TP Campaign and supporters:

1. No filter

2. No judicious thought on your part with regard to the issues, a plan you could promote, nor a record Chris could run on.

3. Attack, Attack, Attack

4. DId I say no judicious thought? (Think impulsive words like "LIBERAL DEMOCRATS", impulsive actions like Rose Cochran, the Hinds County Courthouse, having "thugs" as rockstar bodyguards, and impulsive decisions (like "I will decide tomorrow night if I will support Thad Cochran or not - please, did anyone think through that decision and how immature, self centered, obstructionist and narcissistic it sounded).

5. You come across whether you mean to or not, as racist, impulsive, and profane. Anyone who cannot promote their position without using profanity, indicates lower analytical skills.

6. Did I mention sore loser? We teach our kids, and I would venture to say you probably do also at home, to be good winners and good losers......yet you attack, attack, attack, and then refuse to acknowledge defeat.

Either you never played sports and understand victory/defeat and how to handle it, or you're just an obstructionist who is "against" everything.

Everyone reading this post has won or lost at some point SOMETHING --- the true character of a person is exhibited in defeat, not victory. That's where it gets harder..................and Chris et. al. are coming up true loser in that battle.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, zero Dems voted for McDaniel. Or that is what he wants us to think. If you are going to cry foul, you can't cherry pick. All 82 counties will have to be looked at and that just isn't going to happen. There will have to be substantial proof in each county. Sorry Chris, a Facebook screen capture doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

the way I feel about it is if thads people would have cared the first time they would have got their asses out and voted. that's I am very curious why people cared so damn much about Cochran the second time around.

Anonymous said...

I'm already tired of hearing people tell me to vote for Thad to keep Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi out of Leadership positions. Who then in the Republican party will lead us then? Republicans don't like Ted Cruz; so we listen to Mitchell McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and so forth. All the same people that voted to fund Obamacare. You know what...Harry Reid voted to fund Obamacare too. There is no difference between Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Thad Cochran, John McCain, Lindsey Graham or even Gregg Harper for that matter. They all voted to approve the funding of Obamacare. There is NO DIFFERENCE. A vote for Thad or Childers is a vote for Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.

Anonymous said...

8:34 nailed it. Cochran had his chance to defund Obamacare. He didn't. Would rather vote Childers and know what I'm getting. I suspect I'm not alone.

And screw the senate going republican. The national republican party was comatose when it had an opportunity to make a difference. There was zero pressure applied to the rank and file by our republican "leaders" to do the right thing no matter the outcome. Hope they enjoy the chaos come November.

Anonymous said...

McDaniel aides already at Hinds County Courthouse this morning copying precinct sign in sheets from the June 6 primary on the Democratic side.

Anonymous said...

8:34 and 8:52, if you think those Republican Senators voted for Obamacare or had any power to stop it, we can just begin and end the conversation right there.

Anonymous said...

There is NO DIFFERENCE. A vote for Thad or Childers is a vote for Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.

Yes and, bottom line, 51 or 52 seat majority in the Senate can't override Obama veto. Childers will vote with the Senate Republicans as frequently as Cochran has voted with Reid and the Democrats. Cars for Clunkers ring any bells?

Anonymous said...

8:23 -
Hold my nose and vote for Thad = Hold my nose and vote for Childers.
Six of one; half dozen of another.
The only difference being which lobbyist gets more Federal money.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion and based on what I saw the person you can all blame for bring in the bus loads of democrats to vote for Thad is PETE PERRY. He is the hinds county ground game / brown bag money man.

Anonymous said...

Jim Rice mentioned that as a state senator Chris McDaniel could have worked to change Mississippi's open primary laws or make any number of adjustments to election laws.

But he isn't just a state senator, Chris McDaniel is CHAIRMAN of the Elections Committee.

Anonymous said...

The poll books at the precincts showed whether a voter had voted in the Democratic primary so poll workers could turn them away. It is standard operating procedure for a runoff. The June 3 Democratic primary had very low turnout because their was no contest of major candidates. There were plenty of people who had not voted in either primary June 3.

Anonymous said...

Most of you people on this thread are fucking nuts! Endlessly entertaining, but completely irrational and crazy! Everybody just calm down.

Anonymous said...

a 40+ year incumbent had his ass handed to him in the primary by 155,000+ Republican Mississippians.

the filth behind the Cochran core camp has been exposed.

184,815 republican Mississippians stood up and said no more.

Can't thank McDaniel enough for running in this election. Election warfare is hard and he busted his rearend. 184,000+ Republican Mississippians backed you, Chris. Thank you for giving someone other than the lobbyists a voice. Thank you to the officials who stood up with him.

I checked this morning and I didn't have a 'sold' tag on my ass so, unlike those who did dance for a $1, I was not bought off. Me and 184,000+ others know change is needed, we’re not for sale, and your threats hold no water.

184,815 republican Mississippians said no more.

Anonymous said...

Fact Check:

Here is the Mississippi Census:

White alone - 59.9%
Black or African American alone 37.4%
Other Races make up the differences (e.g. Native American, Asian, etc.)

2008 Senatorial General Election Results

Thad Cochran - Republican - 61.44%
Erik Fleming - 38.56%

If Whites represent 59.9% of the state and Blacks represent 37.4% of the state, THEN IT IS CLEAR THAT BLACKS AND PROBABLY WHITES CROSSED OVER AND VOTED FOR COCHRAN since he received 61.4% of the vote.

No detailed scientific statistical analysis here, but raw Percentage numbers indicate he had to have had black support in 2008, in a year when an African American (Obama) was running and African American turnout was unprecedented nationally and in the state.

These same people just chose to come out and vote, in the Republican primary. It's legal.

Anonymous said...

I have been a Republican all my life. Due to Cochrans tactics and to help prevent these things here and in other states, I will cast my vote for Travis Childers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Republican Party (aka Haley Barbour) -

Do not tamper with the election by purposefully bringing in people who have no intention of supporting the nominee in November then expect me to carry a banner for your man.

Do not play me and then expect me to get in line.

Had a Democrat incumbent defeated a legitimate upstart challenger by getting white people in Eastover and Bridgewater to vote in the runoff, the national news media would have a field day and stories of "Days of Jim Crow Return" would be flooding the NYT and the WaPo.

You are no better, Haley Barbour. To think I voted for you twice. I supported you when Joe Kennedy was blaming Katrina on you. I put your sign in my yard and this is how you repay me? By Shanghaiing a primary and finagling the results to favor your man, rather than the man the people of Mississippi wanted?

Rot in Hell, Barbour. Do not think you can get appointed Senator in two years and a day without a fight. We shall not forget.

Anonymous said...

Those who berate the Tea Party continue to do so by falsifying the truth about Conservatives. What conservatives want is what makes everyone strong - less government, more opportunity. Government influence takes away the desire to achieve. Why try to work hard if everything you desire is given to you by some bureaucrat? Liberals take away your courage and strength and create a different kind of slavery. Conservatives want you to get off your butt and work for greatness. McDaniel wanted government by the people and for the people, not the other way around that Cochran and the RINOs apparently support. I am going to write in McDaniel this November even if is not counted because I would rather throw away my vote then support the Democrat or a Democrat-Republican.

Anonymous said...

10:23 - You are comparing total census numbers to voter turnout numbers. That is poor logic.

In this election, 1/10th of the population voted. That means every last voter in the Fleming race could have been white. Statistically unlikely, but neither is a 1:1 ratio of population to voters.

And there are a lot of things that are legal that are wrong. It may not be provable, but if you are going to sit there and say that every black Mississippian that voted ONLY in the runoff for Cochran intends to support him against Childers, you are either intellectually dishonest or naive. I wouldn't count on 5% of those people supporting Thad.

I'm all for Republicans being big tent and welcoming anyone in, but that's not what happened here, and all the coy expressions of "I don't see what the big deal is, they just want Thad as their senator" are phony and insulting. At least be honest about the chicanery that went on. As has been said, it's legal, so why continue to be a bunch of filthy f***ing liars?

(That last paragraph was directed at the Republican establishment, not 10:23)

Unknown said...

As a conservative, I was going back and forth on whether to cast my general election vote for Travis Childers. After reading the RINO comments against Chris on this blog, I have made up my mind firmly to vote for Childers. It will be my first Democratic vote since the 1980's. I'm not concerned about Harry Reid because the RINO republicans in the House and Senate "have his back" anyway. It will feel very rewarding to help unseat Thad Cochran and pull the chair out from under Haley Barbour, Phil Bryant, Roger Wicker, Greg Harper, and you RINOS on this post!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:50PM

If McD runs for GUV as an independent, he will most certainly be watching another candidate give their victory speech.

He'd get none of the liberal/dem vote and would likely only gain half of the "conservative/republican" vote (a generous number that would likely dwindle if he carries on his pouting). He'd most likely be watching (along with the rest of the conservatives) a liberal gov. giving his acceptance speech.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard McDaniels complain about the thousands of Democrats who voted for HIM figuring Childers had a better chance of defeating him rather than Cochran.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I missed this somewhere. Has anyone taken a poll of the Democrats that voted for McDaniel so Childers would have an easier path. I'm sure they are out there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Just think, had there not been a third Republican candidate on the June 3 ballot, Chris McDaniel likely would have won without a runoff. I imagine that thought continues to run through his mind and the minds of his supporters.

If Cochran prevails in November, he needs to add Thomas Carey to his Christmas card list, permanently.

Anonymous said...

notgonna make a big deal about it but i will not vote for ANY of those elected officials who were on the podium with thad election night. when the architect of the republican party deconstructs it, there IS NO republican party! this is on haley barbour alone!

Anonymous said...

@June 26, 2014 at 8:23 AM , you are right on! Any non-democrat (i.e., conservative / republican) who chooses to either (a) not vote or (b) vote for Childers (because "he and Thad are the same, so it doesn't matter") will be doing the same basic thing as saying, "I'm so angry at you, I'm gonna burn MY house down!"

Look, I don't like what happened any more than anything else, but when all is said and done, there's NO question we'd all be better off with a Republican Senate vs. a democrat one!

Will Republicans NEVER learn? We took this exact position in 2006 when we planned to "teach the no-good Republicans in the House a lesson!" And we didn't vote, and we got Nancy Pelosi and her bunch....but, more importantly, we set up the unintended perfect storm to allow ObaMao to pass ObaMaoCare a few years later.

"A democrat Senate is about like a Republican one?" What? Are you f'in kidding me? I'll say it again: I voted for Chris both times. I HATE he lost! But I also know what another 2 years of ObaMao having his way will mean to this country! ESPECIALLY when you consider what could happen if we were to lose a conservative justice on the Supreme Court with ObaMao and a democrat Senate!

You gotta vote, and you gotta vote for Thad! It's that simple. While I understand all of the "arguments" against it, they fall flat when you consider what could happen if enough people vote in protest - by not voting - and allow an otherwise completely-beatable Childers to get elected! No, I say the better part of wisdom will be for us to be adults, put our hurt/anger behind us (or at least beside us - after all, no one forgets WHERE they buried the hatchet!), and get behind ONE, REPUBLICAN candidate, which unfortunately, is Thad Cochran.

Never forget that, at the end of the day, you will NEVER see democrats being faced with what we're being faced with here. They never vascilate, and they ALWAYS vote for the "D" behind the name, no matter what. Republicans - as strange as it sounds to say - are almost too principled. They know the issues and they vote for what is right. And if they feel the person isn't exactly right, they just don't vote.

And that's why we're saying President ObaMao and not President Romney.........let's don't continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Let's vote "like" democrats: let's play to WIN!

Anonymous said...

Hold you position Mr. McDaniel. Don't let Thad, Haley and the "free the Scott sister's" crowd STEAL this election.

Anonymous said...

Wait, didn't all the NE Jacksoners go vote for Jonathan Lee in the democratic primary a while back? What is the difference?

Anonymous said...

4:31, the difference is that the NE Jacksonians who voted for Lee in the democratic primary intended to vote for him in the general. Also, they didn't sit at home during the primary and then jump into a runoff to sway an election in which they didn't intend to vote originally.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you have the unrefuted data on all their intentions. The law loves such objective evidence. I still see no difference. Crossover democrats voting for Thad will likely vote for him again.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS