Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What will the D.A. do?

Apparently a member of Tigerdroppings got a DUI over the weekend in Hinds County. Posted about it and is now bragging he can probably get it dropped cuz his family knows the district attorney:

Early Sunday morning, approximately 1:30 A.M., I was arrested for DUI. My fiancee and I were headed home after visiting with friend in the Fondren (Jackson) area.

The officer pulled me over after I crossed over the middle lane (I guess I crossed over when I was texting) and asked me to blow into the breathalyzer to which I reluctantly refused at first as I've always been told not to blow.

Regardless, the officer mentioned that I didn't look drunk but just go ahead and blow and he would let me go -- he said "it was just a mere procedure." I wasn't really drunk (I had two mixed drinks over a 3 hour span), but the breathalyzer read a fucking .09. It had to be some setup as I knew I wasn't drunk.

Anyway, this is my first DUI and I need some advice as I don't feel like paying for an attorney. I guess my question is were my rights violated when he told me it was a "mere procedure?" What can be done other than me contacting my local ACLU chapter? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Not too bright, is he?

I will if I absolutely have to but I'm thinking about contacting the DA and seeing if he'll reason with me. I mean come on .09? That's just bullshit.


Honestly, it was just out of habit. The thing is I was just texting my grandmother to let her know my fiancee and I were headed back to the house for the night as she usually worries if I'm out past midnight. Fortunately, my grandmother was a distinguished Millsaps professor and knows many people in the Hinds County area so she's working on a plan to help get this off my record.

What pisses me off most is that I was legitimately not drunk. If I was DRUNK, then I deserve it but in this case I was simply wasn't -- I just had a few Jack and cokes.

That settles it then. Granny was a somebody so DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM????
That's the main reason why I don't think I'm going to hire an attorney. I'm going to try to negotiate with DA first but if that doesn't work I think I'm just not going to show up for court as it's my understanding (from some quick reading) that's essentially what a lawyer will do -- push the can down the road until the officer forgets the exact facts.

Yeah, those officers forget all about those cans (Don't say it.).

Byram/Terry area.

Yup, Hinds County all right.

Will be 37 in February.

Picture becoming clearer.

Not exactly. My grandmother just LIKES us to be back in the house before Midnight as it disturbs her sleep when we arrive home late as I have to blow up the blow up mattress.

Is this Stokes's kid?

Thanks, "foshizzle" I appreciate your advice. I'll let you know what happens if the DA doesn't budge. Please keep me in your prayers.

Yeah, the DA will budge all right.

I generally agree, however my fiancee was actually sober. I didn't think to let her drive as I wasn't feeling much other than a little buzz.

Moron. Guess you never heard of the Irby case.

Yeah, I agree with you now but for a few minutes I just kept getting smartasses. I feel better about beating it now. I'm just gonna go visit the DA then maybe get my grandma to hire attorney/fail to show to court (as a last measure) if it doesn't work out.

Yup. Go see Robert. Tell him Kingfish sent ya and said to take care of ya in case Granny don't work out. Hell, he might double your sentence when he hears my name.

I disagree. If I'm buzzed, I'm just feeling a buzz I'm just around a 2-4/10 but if I'm drunk I'm 5-10/10.

Wow, he has his own internal BAC meter. We could make a fortune cloning and injecting his DNA into drunks.

Agreed. I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks to everyone who could offer their sound advice. This is the exact reason hiring an attorney is worthless.

Yup. Especially if one has the stroke of Granny on his side.

"At 37 years old, why are you sleeping on an air mattress at your granmothers house?"

The economy took a toll on my occupation in the field of multilevel marketing and edit: my fiancee is a social worker so she doesn't make much money.

No comment.

Hey, sorry. I blew the .10 at the station. I figured the BAC would have gone down, but I'm pretty sure the cops at the station set me up.

Yup. The cops set you up. I hate it when that happens.

Now the big questions. WIll Robert Schuler Smith help this young man or not?


Anonymous said...

Seeing as how the Hinds County DA's office will have nothing to do with prosecuting a misdemeanor DUI, he has yet another reason to be SOL. What a moron.

Clarence said...

This guy has each and every one of the answers. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

You really have to be an idiot if you have a totally sober person who is legal to operate a motor vehicle and you don't take advantage of it. You have to be a dumb ass democrat to be drinking and texting with a sober person sitting next to you. And you have to be a waste of breathing space to believe a cop. Good for the cop. Have to get these numb nuts off the streets!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That guy needs to get his ass kicked.

Anonymous said...

in the immortal words of bugs bunny, "what a maroon..."

Anonymous said...

@ 6:17. You are correct. We have to get these LSU fans off of the streets! They are hooligans who do not help rebound a community.

Anonymous said...

How 'distinguished' was she?

Anonymous said...

Multi-level marketing? Isn't that fancy speak for a pyramid scheme? This guy is an idiot.

Pugnacious said...

Mr. Turner, having failed the MFing Physical Performance Test, refuses to take theMFing Breathalyzer Test.

Rebekah said...

Laughing over the comments on here.
This guy is a royal douche and deserves a DUI. He admitted to texting while driving and drinking "a few" jacks and cokes but he was only a little buzzed. Isn't that like being a little pregnant?

Anonymous said...

Let us all hope and pray that he isn't a yearbook salesman.

Anonymous said...

This guy doesn't deserve a lawyer. Send him to jail for 90 days and let him think about 0.08. Being found guilty will chase him for years. When he is ready to be hired for a job, it will flag in his background check. Driving a company car? Ain't gonna happen.

Insurance company will drop him and he will move to the expensive high risk pool.

General stupid, if you read this call Wayne Woodall in Gulfport. He is your only hope.

Fondren cops would be cool and let him go said...

Why was he leaving Fondren? He sounds like 3/4 of the millennials who live there (except he wasn't drinking craft beer). Doesn't he know that millennials hate cars and love to walk everywhere in their walkable urban communities?

My suggestion: have Granny rent him and his girl an apartment in Fondren Corner so they can walk to Babalu or Que Sera Sera to spend Grandma's money on craft beer and Jack and cokes without getting arrested, especially since those hick cops in Byram love setting up people who were simply driving and texting and swerving while buzzed at 1:30am.

Rebekah said...

Oh that video is hilarious.
I understand I was driving under the mfkng influence but I wuddent drivin.
Mr. Turner you ROCK

Anonymous said...

There is a safe haven for the inebriated down at the eastern end of Meadowbrook Road.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is his brilliant strategy to just not show up for court. Why didn't anyone think of that sooner? This guy is a legal genius.

Anonymous said...

Next we'll find that this guy has an airplane and the mosquito control contract.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that Grandmaw offered the DA one year of free eyebrow pluckin's
... but he turned her down.

Anonymous said...

I rarely - if ever - use this term, & I'm not even the first one to use it in these comments...but if this guy is serious, he's ONE of the biggest DOUCHEBAGS that I've heard/read about in a while.
(1.) He lives with his 'Me-Maw' on a blow-up bag, & has to be home at 12 (& in my opinion, your ass BETTER BE. Your grandmother shouldn't have to babysit a "grown" f-up! I hope she has one HELL of a switch)- but the reason for this, your living with her - is because "multi-level marketing", every time that I'VE ever heard about it, is nothing but a BOGUS, LAZY, RIDICULOUS, 'MAKE-NO-MONEY, PONZI SCAM. Pretty hilarious that the bullsh*t coming out of your (easily) drunken mouth sounds like you THINK you're actually SOMEBODY!! What, did the paper-route not work out?
(2) You are not ONLY a 'NOTHING,' you're a drunk 'nothing' - endangering OTHER peoples' lives - with a DUI that's going to stick like VELCRO - all of your 'GENIUS' talk SEALED IT for you. I don't know WHO you're attempting to impress, but you made a lot of people LAUGH (AT you). I'm actually embarrassed for you. You make a fool out of yourself, & then WRITE about it - and ADMIT that you were drinking & driving - and TEXTING?? Your GRANDMOTHER?? Pure GENIUS.
No wonder you have such a killer job & 'crib'. You should have said to the cop: "Do YOU KNOW WHO MY 'ME-MAW' is?!! (Or DID you?)
(3.) By 'Jack and Coke' - or whatever you said - you MEANT by that, that you had a wine cooler or two, right?
(4) Can't wait to see what you and 'MeMaw' do to get you out of THIS one. (hint: Nothing. You're F'd - and you're a REAL idiot - for drinking & driving and texting, and THEN recounting it online, and I hope they cut your license into 1000 pieces.)
(5) I hope Me-Maw grounds you for a LONG-ass time - so the next time you text her, you won't be driving, but telling her "You're DONE! Time to wipe!!" That way, you'll be off the same roads that I drive on - for a while, at least. Hopefully the poor lady will wear OUT your ass, too. She's got a long list behind her who would enjoy teaching you a lesson (a LOT of lessons).

Good Luck! (Just kidding)

Anonymous said...

This guy is a troll. He's just trying to get a rise out of the people on the OT board. He talks about drinking and texting and swerving across the lane and claims to have been set up, then he says he's 37 and sleeps on an air mattress at his grandmother's house. He's baiting people.

He has other posts on the board about getting AIDS from shaking someone's hand and fending off rhino poachers in South Africa.

He has one where he asks why La Tech hasn't merged with Grambling and suggests it's racism on the part of Tech.

The most telling one is when he gripes about not enough blacks on the teams in the College World Series and suggests the following:

Are we at the point that either Congress (or NCAA) should mandate certain minority scholarships percentages for African-Americans/Hispanics that coaches must recruit? Let's face it - it's no longer the 1950's anymore and we should likely embrace this new standard.

He's just a troll and he got a bunch of people on Tiger Droppings, including you, Kingfish.

Ain't Blowin' Roadside... said...

All the bullshit aside, NOBODY should submit to a roadside sobriety test in Mississippi. There is no penalty for refusing those and they're nothing but setups to play gotcha. However, if you feel perfectly comfortable going through those silly assed gymnastics and eyeball checks, go for it. You cannot be penalized for refusing. At worst, refusal gets you a trip to the full blown test.

Kingfish said...

I realize he is probably a troll but found it amusing someone was bragging on a website he would get it taken care of cuz he was going to talk to the DA. He's not an LSU fan. Lists himself as a JSU fan.

Anonymous said...

What is funny about this, is the redneck @ 9:11 who apparently has been embarrassed/clowned on by somebone from Fondren, gets owned because he thought it was real. Please don't let him delete his comment.

Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass at 7:40--please familiarize yourself with the implied consent law before you play lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Getting folks off because they know somebody is not just a Hinds County problem. It happens in Rankin County, too.

I caught I guy burglarizing my Dad's truck one night, chased him to the street, got his tag number, the cops arrested him, he confessed, I signed an affidavit -- and nothing. No referral by the Rankin S.O. to Circuit, County, or Justice Court. Nada. Zilch. So next time he gets busted he won't have a thing on his record, it'll be like his first time.

Then I find out the burglar's daddy is a big muckity-muck who lives on the water in Bridgepoint in some 6000 sq. ft. house. I wonder if that had anything to do with the investigating officer's lax handling of the referral?

It's things like this that make people take the law into their own hands.

Anonymous said...

7:40. The penalty for a refusal is a suspended license (90 days) and a $$$$ fine.

Ain't Blowin Roadside... said...

Dear dumbass at 9:11. You're wrong. Implied consent does NOT apply to voluntary roadside sobriety checks. Whether walking the line, standing on one foot or blowing are at liberty to decline each of those opportunities. Implied consent applies only to the refusal to be tested on officially positioned and calibrated sobriety machines. Blow if you like, but don't blow smoke up MY ass.

Anonymous said...

11:08; go to the rear of the class. In MS one can refuse to participate in the roadside check all day long and into the night without penalty. You just cannot refuse the official test 'downtown' without implied consent penalty kicking in. Vic Carmody you ain't! The only exception to this is the rolling box truck with onboard official testing equipment, most frequently seen north of Hattiesburg on game nites.

Crown Royal said...

There is no penalty in Mississippi for refusing a request that you participate in field sobriety testing. Those should typically be politely refused. Here is just one of MANY links available to the lazy among you through any search engine, such as Google:

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression that the LSU and JSU fanbases were kind of mutually exclusive.

Ain't Blowin' Roadside... said...

Every DUI attorney in MS will tell you to politely refuse to participate in field sobriety exercises. The officer has no purpose (at the moment) other than to collect information upon which to base an arrest. He is asking you to incriminate yourself. Tell him no thanks.

Also refuse to answer any questions such as the following: Where have you been? Where were you headed? Are you taking any prescribed medications? Why are you on the roads at this hour? How much have you had to drink tonite? You are under no obligation to answer any of those questions.

An official, legitimate (one that will probably be upheld in court) breath analysis test can only be given after an arrest. You are NOT under arrest when he's shining his light in your eyes and asking you to hop on one foot on a 30 degree embankement with traffic whizzing by. Nor is he trying to find out if your eyes can follow his finger tip or light. He's seaching your eyes for evidence of bloodshot veins.

They never have the authority to collect a blood sample except in cases of death or court order.

meople said...

ask a cop how many times he hears the driver in a DUI arrest use the words "a couple", "a few", or "two or three".

Pugnacious said...

Oh that video is hilarious.
I understand I was driving under the mfkng influence but I wuddent drivin.
Mr. Turner you ROCK

What about my driver's license is already suspended..I'm already under suspicion(sic)..

Anonymous said...

11:23. 11:08 here.

My source. A refusal = suspended license.

Rebekah said...

I watched that video three times. Best thing ever. He iz smart

And These People Vote said...

11:08/6:40. You really need to work on your reading comprehension. "Refusal" in Mississippi statutes applies only to refusal to take the intoxilizer test AFTER being arrested. Not to a roadside field test. Barney Fife can administer those. He is typically NOT trained, certified or competent to conduct a true sobriety test 'down to the station'. Field sobriety testing in this state is NOT mandatory, can be refused every time and has no penalty for refusal. Please talk to a DUI attorney, you dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Field Sobriety is not required but Refusal to submit a breathe sample to the intoxilyzer is a violation of implied consent. I know I'm certified to administer both. Easy fix don't drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

Depends on what 9:07 means by 'intoxilyzer'. Being 'certified to administer' doesn't necessarily correlate with knowing what the law is.

Field sobriety roadside testing also includes a request that you blow into the hand-held device the cop has. That is NOT required under implied consent. Just another part of field testing. You are at full liberty to decline that opportunity.

The results of those 'portable blows' are only valuable in helping the officer decide whether or not to haul you in for a legitimate test that will stand up in court.

Anybody noticing the number of people on here, including cops, who are trying to convince you that field sobriety testing is mandatory? It is NOT. Nor is the portable-blow. There are DUI lawyers all over the planet who will jump at the chance to handle your case if you're strongarmed into complying.

For the FIFTH time! said...

From 11:08's link:

"Implied Consent

Mississippi law requires you to take a breath, blood, or urine test if you are arrested for a DUI. Mississippi’s “implied consent” law says that if you are lawfully arrested by an officer who has probable cause to believe that you have been driving under the influence of alcohol, then you consent to taking a chemical test of your breath for the purpose of determining your blood alcohol content (BAC)."

Please read carefully. Words have meaning. Implied consent law in this state is applicable ONLY after one has been placed under arrest. Clearly, one is NOT under arrest when asked to take a field sobriety series of tests. Those tests are exploratory only and are used to gather evidence upon which the cop might (or might not) proceed.

And the hand-held readers used roadside are NOT court sanctioned intoxilizers and have never (and will never) stood independently as evidence of being 'over the limit'.

Anonymous said...

I think the funniest thing about this is Kingfish got Catfished by this poster! Only after it was pointed out to KF did he say "oh yeah, I knew he was making it up..." I'm calling BS on that Catfish, I mean Kingfish. Devoting an entire article to this?? BWA-HA-HA!

Anonymous said...

@4:36 being certified to operate the intoxilyzer does mean you know the law. The class is taught on the law and how to operate the machine. Most DUI lawyer try to get clients off on a technicality, most of the time they are pleading thier clients out.

Rebekah said...

Please correct me if I'm wrong- If you are pulled over and a police officer suspects alcohol and asks to administer a field sobriety test and you refuse, isn't it an automatic suspension of drivers license? And does the field sobriety test include the breathalyzer or not? Are they two separate things?

If you refuse the tests, aren't you automatically arrested anyway? If you are not falling down or showing obvious signs of intoxication (other than it being on your breath) how is it proven to be an actual DUI?

Regardless if you had one beer, one glass of wine, or a few drinks your actions are impaired. I don't care how much you weigh, how much you ate, etc. I don't even know the limit on the BAC, but how is it proven if the test is refused?

I've heard so many people claim they were not "drunk" but got a DUI anyway. But isn't drinking ANYTHING and driving illegal? So many different laws and rules. I don't know what's true or not.

Clarence said...


This is Clarence Guthrie. I am a DUI lawyer in Ridgeland. Lots of interesting posts in this thread. I want to answer your questions, but first the standard disclaimer: This is not legal advice. You have to pay for legal advice. This is general information. Do not make legal decisions based on this information without consulting with competent legal counsel.
Nothing in this post establishes an attorney-client relationship between us. I cannot be considered your attorney until we establish an attorney-client relationship through a written Representation Agreement.

1. Don't drink and drive.

2. There are three tests that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration calls "Standardized Field Sobriety Tests." They are the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (follow my finger), the Walk and Turn, and the One Leg Stand. You can refuse these without any consequences, other than making the officer mad.

3. The "portable breath test" is the handheld device that looks like a calculator with a straw sticking out of it. It is not part of the "standard" field sobriety tests, but it is usually given to you at the same time at the side of the road. You can refuse it without any consequences, other than making the officer mad.

4. The Intoxilyzer 8000 is a machine that looks like an antique 1980s computer with a blow tube sticking out of it. It is usually kept at the station house or the jail (although some have already mentioned that there are several units that travel around in an RV or similar), and it is the one that counts. What "implied consent" means is that by enjoying the privilege of driving on the public roads of Mississippi you give your consent to be tested on this machine when asked, and if you refuse your license will be suspended for 90 days, unless you file an appeal of the suspension within the time given. So yes, you can refuse, but there is an administrative penalty attached.

5. "But isn't drinking ANYTHING and driving illegal?" - technically it is not, but it is hard to find a law enforcement officer or prosecutor that will admit it.

My opinion: There are only about 10 lawyers in this state that REALLY know how to defend a DUI. I think all of them offer a free consultation. Stay away from a lawyer that is going to make you a package deal on your DUI, your divorce, and your bankruptcy. If you get a DUI, it will pay to at least talk it over with a lawyer that knows what they are doing so you can make an informed decision.

Hope that helps a little.

Rebekah said...

Thank you Clarence. I don't plan on getting one. But I think if you decide to get behind the wheel after having consumed alcohol then your rights are automatically revoked. If you choose to drive then you deserve whatever consequences. I know everyone has different limits, but drinking and driving is drinking and driving- no matter how much you have consumed.

Rebekah said...

And I had one. I was 21. I was going five miles over the speed limit and was pulled over for speeding. I had two beers prior. Was I intoxicated?? No. Not by a long shot. But I was still guilty of drinking and driving. I didn't contest it in court because I was guilty. I accepted my punishment and paid a very hefty fine and my license were revoked. Although I was not intoxicated, I was still guilty. It was a stupid mistake and I should never have gotten behind the wheel.

Anonymous said...


You have made the most asinine comments re: drinking and driving I've believe I've seen. You've drank the koolaid. Fallen into the echo chamber. Followed the lemmings over the cliff.

Displacing logic with emotion has no place in law. Drinking and driving is not an issue. Driving while intoxicated is not an issue. Some people are functional alcoholics. Others don't consume one drop and are more dangerous on the road than lighting a fire with dynamite.

Quit displacing responsibility onto subjects or objects that are scapegoats. If someone consumes too much and drives and causes an accident then they should pay. If someone drinks and drives and is involved in an accident that is not their fault, they should not pay.... but they do in our modern advanced world.

We have entirely too many laws that attempt to prevent, but they do more harm to society by damaging otherwise productive citizens. Liberty means you can do what you desire to the extent it doesn't harm others. If you harm others you pay. Liberty does not mean that you are limited because there is a catchall limit.

Someone drinks one beer and isn't influenced but another takes mind altering prescription drugs and we don't bat an eye because it was prescribed by a doctor.

Logic has left America

Rebekah said...

Some people are functional alcoholics? Did you really just say that? You are a moron.
If you drink and drive you pay the consequences. And sorry, but if you have any amount of alcohol and you are involved in an accident, the blame is on you. Period.

And regarding prescription drugs- it depends on what you are referring to. Just because someone is prescribed something doesn't mean they are supposed to be driving while using them...especially anything in the sedative family. And prescription drugs are abused just as much as alcohol.
But saying someone is a functional alcoholic is just plain ridiculous and stupid. An alcoholic abuses alcohol. That is not functional. You are probably the same person who claims "oh I drive better when I'm drunk". You are a moron.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I said functional alcoholics. They have been around you all your life and have been around long before you have and haven't killed anyone, wrecked and you didn't know.

So, you have alcohol in your system and someone runs a red light and kills your significant other and you want to suggest that the blame is the alcohol?

Methinks you don't quite understand things and have misplaced your dictionary. To look up that definition of moron, you'll find it in the mirror.

To show how moronic you are being, you advanced the subject of prescription drugs to "abusing" them, but if someone has any alcohol (read, not abusing) they are to blame if someone runs into them. Just because someone is prescribed something and there is no limits on their driving, does not mean an impairment doesn't exist.

If you don't know what a functional alcoholic is, I suggest you ask one of your friends. 1 out of 7 is likely to be one. If you still don't, how about refusing to remain so ignorant and just use your computer for something more than showing just how ignorant you are and just read some studies about high functioning alcoholics.

Rebekah said...

Ohhh ok. So a functional alcoholic- in other words
- an absolute drunk- should be allowed to drink and drive then right? And who again gives them said privilege? How does one get the pleasure of being granted -functional drunk- award. That's awesome. What's the reward? A screwed up liver and blood shot eyes? And does the functional drunk work? Does he booze it up during lunch hour? I mean, if he's a functional drunk then he's pretty much capable of saving the world while drinking his 40 and Vodka chasers.

You, moron, brought up "mind altering" prescriptions. I said they of course can be abused. But there are millions of different prescriptions in this world and just because someone is prescribed something does not mean they aren't abusing them. Alcohol isn't prescribed. Alcohol is a choice. You don't HAVE to drink alcohol. But some people HAVE to take prescriptions.

Something obviously happened to you because of your hostility shown on this post. And I'm sorry if something did. But, trying to justify a functional drunk is absolutely absurd. And to say some of them haven't had wrecks or killed anyone YET, just makes them lucky. It doesn't make them functional. To continuously abuse alcohol makes you not only a sad drunk, but also highly dysfunctional.

And yes I know many drunks in my life, oh wise one. I even have the absolute pleasure in actually getting to call one of them DAD. Nothing about an alcoholic is functional- ask anyone around them. Only the drunk himself will call himself functional. Everyone around them are the ones who suffer the most. The "functional" drunk is too busy drinking away whatever void they think the bottom of a Budweiser bottle is going to fill.

Functional alcoholic is the biggest oxymoron I have ever heard of in my life. I am sorry you are plagued by ignorance. But this back and forth bs is irrelevant and a waste if time. Feel free to email me and continue to enlighten me on the values of being a drunk, but I'm not going to waste anymore time on a blog that doesn't belong to either one of us.

Anonymous said...


Must be fun to willfully remain blissfully ignorant.

Wait.... that's practically the definition of stupid.

I guess that explains the overcompensation with words.

To further your argument, why don't you try to further redefine a functional alcoholic as someone that molests children, shoots babies, bombs villages and clubs baby seals. I mean, hell, if you are going to over exaggerate because you don't want to learn or discuss.... go BIG or go home. You sound like you need to go home and have a drink.

Anonymous said...

A "functional drunk" or alcoholic is only in denial. Look it up. Alcoholics can be sugar coated as anything you want them to be, but in the end they are just hurting theirselves and everyone around them.

An alcoholic is addicted to alcohol just like a drug addict is addicted to drugs. I know many functional alcoholics. The reason they are " functional" is because their bodies require more alcohol than others to achieve that buzz. Look it up. Look up the definition. All it is a sad and desperate person drinking to erase the pain. Their body needs alcohol. It's a sickness. They still should not be allowed to drink and drive though. Ever.
Why are y'all fighting with someone who is standing up for an alcoholic? Let him have the last word and move on. You can't argue with a closed minded perso. Or a close minded alcoholic.

Rebekah said...

Sounds like a sad and lonely life to me. Functional or not. An alcoholic is still an alcoholic.

What Is a Functional Alcoholic

Many people think of alcoholics as disheveled, homeless winos who have lost everything, but there are people who meet the criteria for a medical diagnosis for alcohol dependence who are highly functional in society and still have their jobs, homes and families. This type of drinker is known as a functional alcoholic.
They rarely miss work and other obligations because of their drinking, although it does happen occasionally, and they usually excel at their jobs and careers. Typically, they are clever and witty individuals who are successful in many areas of their lives. To all but those who are closest to them, they give the outward appearance of being perfectly normal.

Denial Is a Problem

One of the main reasons that alcoholics seek help for their drinking problems is the eventual negative consequences of their alcohol consumption. When the pain or embarrassment gets bad enough, they can no longer deny that their drinking needs to be addressed.
For the functional alcoholic, the denial runs deep, because they have yet to encounter outward negative consequences. They go to work every day. They haven't suffered financially. They have never been arrested. They don't have a problem!

But There Is a Problem

The functional alcoholic consumes as much alcohol as any "full-blown" alcoholic, they just don't exhibit the outward symptoms of intoxication. This is because they have developed a tolerance for alcohol to the point that it takes more for them to feel the effects (including hangovers). Consequently, they must drink increasingly larger amounts to get the same "buzz" they want.
This slow build-up of alcohol tolerance means the functional alcoholic is drinking at dangerous levels that can result in alcohol-related organ damage, cognitive impairment and alcohol dependence. Chronic heavy drinkers can display a functional tolerance to the point they show few obvious signs of intoxication even at high blood alcohol concentrations, which in others would be incapacitating.

Are You a Functional Alcoholic?

Could it be that you are an alcoholic even though you continue to function well in society? Could your drinking have slowly increased to the point that you have become alcohol dependent without even knowing it?
It's also important to note that "functional alcoholic" is not a formal medical term or diagnosis.

A Dangerous State

Unfortunately, even when functional alcoholics begin to recognize that they have a drinking problem, they still resist reaching out for help. By the time they admit the problem, their withdrawal symptoms - which can begin within a few hours after their last drink - have become more and more severe.
They may try to quit on their own, but the withdrawals are too unpleasant or severe. Therefore, they continue to drink to keep the withdrawals at bay and the cycle continues.

Usually, it is only when their continued drinking becomes more painful than the prospect of going through the pain of alcohol withdrawal, will they finally reach out for help. But it doesn't have to be that way. Medical detoxification provides medication, vitamins and diet to help ease the withdrawal process. Help is available.

Anonymous said...


That's some kind of dense.

You can't even keep up with what you are arguing about. The argument you were having wasn't whether the life of a functional alcoholic was good or bad, healthy or not. It was based on your stupid assertion that a person having one single drink is responsible for an accident that was not their fault, just because they consumed a drink.

stereotypes.... crutches for the ignorant

Rebekah said...

My argument was that no one should drink and drive. Period. If you do then you suffer the consequences. Of course there are always exceptions in different circumstances... and that is with everything in life, but if you have alcohol in your system and choose to drive, then guess who is going to be blamed for an accident? I don't care if you or the lady down the road or my 85 year old neighbor is a "functional alcoholic" - don't get behind the wheel after drinking. Period. To me, all a functional alcoholic is someone you don't want to play drinking games with because you're going to lose.
You have your opinion. I have mine. But damn. This conversation has gone on entirely too long. I get an email every single time a comment is made on this site- (including mine) no matter what thread the comment is in. Just our conversation alone has blown my phone up all day.

Anonymous said...

I think Rebekah should go tell the MS Department of Public Safety that they are doing it wrong. Instead of saying to drive sober, don't drive drunk.... they should be saying don't have a glass of wine and drive because you should just suffer the consequences if you do... the consequences being ignorant people like her being peers that might judge you....... but there are exceptions.

Like the fact that there are one or two people that are sober after consuming one drink... but they are the exceptions.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand. The laws state "Don't drink and drive". Not dont drive drunk. Don't drink and drive. Why is it so hard for this apparently small minded "man" to understand? Does it make you feel good to talk to a woman that way? Your tone in your post mimicks the same degrading manner on a few other topics on this site. Don't drink and drive. Who cares how much you have to drink? Do you have children? Do you have a family? If someone who had just ONE drink crashes into your family, are "your" laws going to apply there too? Or is it just when it is convenient for you?
It is constant people like you who want to justify how much is too much is what is wrong. Just don't do it. Do what you are supposed to do and follow the laws- dont drink and drive.
If you drink any amount and drive then I hope you go to jail. Call a cab. Walk. I don't care how you get to where you are going. I have a family. I have loved ones. And if someone is drinking and driving and something bad occurs then you can bet your life ill do everything in my power to make sure you pay.
Quit wasting your time on here and seek help.
OR go to the MADD website and use your pathetic pleas there. See how far it gets you.

Anonymous said...

Yep... you're right. You do not understand.

There is a great amount of ignorance in this discussion. Attempting to state that laws have zero tolerance for drinking any amount and driving is either intellectually dishonest or simply intellectually challenged.

Just to clarify your stupidity. Someone has a glass of wine with dinner, is sitting still at a red light and a car plows into the rear of their vehicle. It's your contention that the wine drinker is at fault and should pay because they had a glass of wine but the driver texting, putting on makeup, etc should be removed from responsibility because the wine drinker was the one responsible just only due to having a drink.

Personal Responsibility seems to be a lost cause. Let's not assess responsibility to where it actually belongs, but arbitrarily assess it to an emotional and irrational assertion that something unrelated was the cause.


Anonymous said...

Personal Responsibility is lacking- true. Just drive your car. Don't apply makeup. Don't READ. Don't text. Don't eat. And especially don't DRINK and drive. Just drive.

But I think what people are trying to point out to you is to just not drink at all and drive. Just be on the safe side and not consume anything.

You can only practice personal responsibility yourself. You can't do it for anyone else. Yes some of the laws are messed up and yes they need to be changed. But until that happens, just do what is right by the law...Griping about it on here and blasting away with hostility isn't going to get you anywhere. It only makes you look bad

Mostly Sober said...

It's gotten to where you can hardly take a Sunday drive with the windows down and a beer between your thighs anymore. People start pointin' at you and acting goofy and pullin' up alongside your car acting like John Candy tipping his hand up. Sheesh already.

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Trollfest '09

Trollfest '07 was such a success that Jackson Jambalaya will once again host Trollfest '09. Catch this great event which will leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Othor Cain and his band, The Black Power Structure headline the night while Sonjay Poontang returns for an encore performance. Former Frank Melton bodyguard Marcus Wright makes his premier appearance at Trollfest singing "I'm a Sweet Transvestite" from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." Kamikaze will sing his new hit, “How I sold out to da Man.” Robbie Bell again performs: “Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Bells” and “Any friend of Ed Peters is a friend of mine”. After the show, Ms. Bell will autograph copies of her mug shot photos. In a salute to “Dancing with the Stars”, Ms. Bell and Hinds County District Attorney Robert Smith will dance the Wango Tango.

Wrestling returns, except this time it will be a Battle Royal with Othor Cain, Ben Allen, Kim Wade, Haley Fisackerly, Alan Lange, and “Big Cat” Donna Ladd all in the ring at the same time. The Battle Royal will be in a steel cage, no time limit, no referee, and the losers must leave town. Marshand Crisler will be the honorary referee (as it gives him a title without actually having to do anything).

Meet KIM Waaaaaade at the Entergy Tent. For five pesos, Kim will sell you a chance to win a deed to a crack house on Ridgeway Street stuffed in the Howard Industries pinata. Don't worry if the pinata is beaten to shreds, as Mr. Wade has Jose, Emmanuel, and Carlos, all illegal immigrants, available as replacements for the it. Upon leaving the Entergy tent, fig leaves will be available in case Entergy literally takes everything you have as part of its Trollfest ticket price adjustment charge.

Donna Ladd of The Jackson Free Press will give several classes on learning how to write. Smearing, writing without factchecking, and reporting only one side of a story will be covered. A donation to pay their taxes will be accepted and she will be signing copies of their former federal tax liens. Ms. Ladd will give a dramatic reading of her two award-winning essays (They received The Jackson Free Press "Best Of" awards.) "Why everything is always about me" and "Why I cover murders better than anyone else in Jackson".

In the spirit of helping those who are less fortunate, Trollfest '09 adopts a cause for which a portion of the proceeds and donations will be donated: Keeping Frank Melton in his home. The “Keep Frank Melton From Being Homeless” booth will sell chances for five dollars to pin the tail on the jackass. John Reeves has graciously volunteered to be the jackass for this honorable excursion into saving Frank's ass. What's an ass between two friends after all? If Mr. Reeves is unable to um, perform, Speaker Billy McCoy has also volunteered as when the word “jackass” was mentioned he immediately ran as fast as he could to sign up.

In order to help clean up the legal profession, Adam Kilgore of the Mississippi Bar will be giving away free, round-trip plane tickets to the North Pole where they keep their bar complaint forms (which are NOT available online). If you don't want to go to the North Pole, you can enjoy Brant Brantley's (of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance) free guided tours of the quicksand field over by High Street where all complaints against judges disappear. If for some reason you are unable to control yourself, never fear; Judge Houston Patton will operate his jail where no lawyers are needed or allowed as you just sit there for minutes... hours.... months...years until he decides he is tired of you sitting in his jail. Do not think Judge Patton is a bad judge however as he plans to serve free Mad Dog 20/20 to all inmates.

Trollfest '09 is a pet-friendly event as well. Feel free to bring your dog with you and do not worry if your pet gets hungry, as employees of the Jackson Zoo will be on hand to provide some of their animals as food when it gets to be feeding time for your little loved one.

Relax at the Fox News Tent. Since there are only three blonde reporters in Jackson (being blonde is a requirement for working at Fox News), Megan and Kathryn from WAPT and Wendy from WLBT will be on loan to Fox. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS.

Trollfest '07

Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards. Kamikaze will perform his new song F*** Bush, he's still a _____. Did I mention there was no referee? Dr. Heddy Matthias and Lori Gregory will face off in the undercard dueling with dangling participles and other um, devices. Robbie Bell will perform Her two latest songs: My Best Friends are in the Media and Mama's, Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be George Bell. Sid Salter of The Clarion-Ledger will host "Pin the Tail on the Trial Lawyer", sponsored by State Farm.

There will be a hugging booth where in exchange for your young son, Frank Melton will give you a loooong hug. Trollfest will have a dunking booth where Muhammed the terrorist will curse you to Allah as you try to hit a target that will drop him into a vat of pig grease. However, in the true spirit of Separate But Equal, Don Imus and someone from NE Jackson will also sit in the dunking booth for an equal amount of time. Tom Head will give a reading for two hours on why he can't figure out who the hell he is. Cliff Cargill will give lessons with his .80 caliber desert eagle, using Frank Melton photos as targets. Tackleberry will be on hand for an autograph session. KIM Waaaaaade will be passing out free titles and deeds to crackhouses formerly owned by The Wood Street Players.

If you get tired come relax at the Fox News Tent. To gain admittance to the VIP section, bring either your Republican Party ID card or a Rebel Flag. Bringing both will entitle you to free drinks.Get your tickets now. Since this is an event for trolls, no ID is required, just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '07 is for EVERYONE!!!

This is definitely a Beaver production.

Note: Security provided by INS